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Course Syllabus 2019-2020 School Year

Course Content

This elective course primarily emphasizes the study of the computer as a graphic design tool. Students will use Adobe products including Illustrator, Photoshop and InDesign in addition to Unity software in advanced levels. Students will use Macintosh computers as well as flatbed scanners and graphic tablets. Minimal computer experience is necessary to succeed in this class. Regular attendance, good behavior, the ability to concentrate, turn in assignments on time and a sincere effort to understand will result in successful learning. Grades follow learning success. Any student can earn an “A” grade in this class regardless of natural artistic ability/talent if s/he applies her/himself and takes responsibility for her/his own learning.



Class will start on time and students are expected to be ready to learn, in their assigned seats when the final bell rings. Personal responsibility includes punctuality. Due to the nature and pace of this course, it will be nearly impossible to pass the class with poor attendance.  Should you miss more than one week of class, unexcused, you will have to arrange to spend time either before or after school to receive a one-on-one lesson in order to be caught up.


Tardy Policy

Tardy students are a disruption to class. It is the policy of this classroom that unless you are in your assigned seat when then tardy bell rings, that you are considered tardy, no exceptions. Once the bell rings, should you not be in your seat, you will be counted tardy. Three tardy incidents in a month’s time will result in an additional assignment that will count toward your citizenship grade. More than three tardy incidents in a month’s time and the failure to complete a Citizenship Packet will result in your citizenship grade being reduced incrementally.



Good behavior means treating others with respect, giving yourself and others a chance to learn, and being quiet and respectful so that I can be effective in my job while I teach. Disruptive behavior, including but not limited to talking back, unnecessary noises, loud outbursts, talking when I am talking, and failure to comply with direct verbal directives will result in corrective actions. Corrective actions can include calls home to parents, behavior referrals in Infinite Campus and/or a visit to an Assistant Principal. Behavior with is disruptive or endangers students and/or equipment will not be tolerated. No exceptions.


Horsing Around, Running in Class, etc.

This is not they gym. This class is not Physical Education. If you have the need to run, jump, climb, etc. please save it for your PE class.  The computer lab is not the place for horseplay or for any of that behavior. Should you choose to engage in this behavior, I will choose to let you explain your behavior to the assistant principal.  This behavior will not be tolerated from anyone for any reason.



This is a computer lab. Computers do not need to eat hot Cheetos or drink Gatorade, and as such, you don’t either… or anything else for that matter. There is no food or drink allowed in the lab with the exception of water in a re-sealable container, which will not be kept on the desk for any reason. No exceptions.


Cleanliness is everyone’s shared responsibility.  If your hands are dirty, please use the sink located inside this classroom – soap and water – and wash your hands. No one wants to follow you with your dirty hands on the mouse and keyboard.

Just came in from outside and your shoes are dirty? Go outside and kick the dirt off of them, this is a computer lab, not a mudroom and I’m not your parent or guardian nor am I here to clean up after you.  If you leave a mess, you will be called out of class to come and clean up the mess you have made. Failure to comply with this rule will result in a reduction of citizenship, calls home to your parents, photographic evidence collection and possible monetary fines. 


Sports Balls

Frequently we have some wonderful students who participate in athletics where a ball is used. I am a huge proponent of team sports however I am not a proponent of any kind of sports ball in my computer lab. There will be NO sports balls allowed in class. You can leave it in your locker, in the gym, in a duffle bag, or at home but it will not be allowed to enter my classroom for any reason. No exceptions.


Restroom Passes

Students are given ample time to use the restroom between classes if time between classes is used wisely.  Students enrolled in P1-P7 will be given 3 restroom passes per quarter. They do not accrue so that means that if you never use them, you lose them. Students in P5 have lunch prior to class, which is ample time to use the restroom so no passes will be given to P5 students. Use your time wisely. Additionally, in order to obtain the restroom pass, students will be required to check out the pass with their personal cellular device. Once the pass is successfully returned, the personal cellular device will be returned to the student. Only one student at a time will be permitted to leave the classroom to use the restroom. No exceptions.


Lab Fees

Each student, within the first two (2) weeks of school’s start or upon entering the class will furnish the $40 lab fee. The fee is broken down into two parts:

            • Supply fee for toner, ink, paper, and other supplies

            • Required uniform shirt

Every Thursday students will wear their required uniform shirts for citizenship points. Failure to wear your uniform shirt will result in a deduction of citizenship points. Your account will be charged for your lab fee and you will be disallowed to graduate without paying your lab fee so it is in your best interest to pay and be done with it so it doesn’t loom over you at graduation time.



Students should bring with them to class daily the following:

            • lined notebook paper

            • notebook for graphic design only

            • sketchbook

            • writing utensil

            • flash drive

            • head phones or ear buds

Students are required to purchase a USB Flash Memory Drive to back up their work. Any inexpensive flash drive will work just fine, with a minimum memory requirement of 8MB.


Head phones or ear buds are required for videos for class and only ONE ear should be occupied and the other should be available in case there is a need for further instruction. Your volume should not be so great that it can be heard away from your desk, regardless.


Personal Cellular Devices

While in a perfect world they would not be out of your backpack while at school except at lunch or passing period, that is not the world we live in… however your phone is not welcomed in my classroom.  When you are on your phone, you aren’t doing what you are supposed to be doing, which impacts your learning and the learning of those around you, therefore it is a distraction. Should you make the mistake of having your phone out for any reason, the first few times you will be asked to put it away. After that, it will be confiscated and locked in a high security room until after school. Should that not be lesson enough to not have your phone out for any reason while in class, the second time your phone gets taken away, your parents get to make arrangements to come and get it. The moral of the story: don’t risk it. Put it away, keep it put away or face the consequences. This includes plugging your phone into the computers in this lab. You may NOT do that as they should not be out. No exceptions.


Listening to Music in Class

Generally speaking I do not play music overhead because we don’t all like the same things. In keeping with each of us has our own tastes and preferences, I do not wish to hear your music either so if I can hear it blaring through your ear buds, etc. you will be asked to turn it down where I cannot hear it. Aside from the damage you are doing to your hearing overall, unless you would like to be subjected to an overly healthy dose of my music, you will be respectful with yours. You show me respect and I will show you respect, simple concept.


Grading Policies and Philosophy

First know that I do not “give” grades. You earn them, or not.  If you keep pace with the class, follow the criteria, do and turn in all the assignments on time, I guarantee that you will earn credit and pass the course. Your grades are a direct result of your class participation, class work, any homework assigned, the occasional quiz, and tests.  Course grades are based on the District grading scale which is: A (100-90%), B (89-80%), C (79-70%), D (69-60%) and not passing is anything 59% and below.


Citizenship Grade

Throughout this syllabus we have discussed your citizenship. Citizenship is an overall reflection of who you are as an individual.  If you are someone who is respectful, diligent, and focused you will be fine. If you are someone who is a constant disruption to class, it will be reflected in your citizenship. Throughout the course there will be opportunities to maintain your citizenship grade. Everyone starts with an “S” for Satisfactory. To get reduced to an “N” for “Needs Improvement” a student will have to have a loss of 20 Citizenship Points in a quarter’s time.  A student who persists in unacceptable behavior will lose points and upon a loss of 40 or more points, will receive a “U” for Unacceptable.


Should a student go above and beyond the expectations for citizenship, it is possible to gain additional points to obtain an “O” for Outstanding.

O = 101+ points, S=100-81 points, N=80-61 points, U=60 and below

Pre-Arranged Absences/Make Up Work

If a student knows that s/he is going to be absent, work need to be completed prior to leaving. A pre-arranged absence will result in the student needing to come in before or after school as arranged with the instructor, to complete the work. You are the one going to be gone to miss the content; you must make arrangements before your absence. This includes early dismissal for sports. Don’t come to me the day before and tell me you’re going to be gone for a week, you have known for a while. Letting me know in advance helps you help yourself from falling behind.

If you have been out sick and your absence is marked as “excused” in Infinite Campus, you will need to make arrangements to come in before or after school to get caught up on the work you missed. You will not have time in class most of the time, as we will have moved on to something else. It is the responsibility of the student to make arrangements with me; I will not chase you down to tell you that you missed something.  It is you, the student who must take the initiative.


Due Dates

Students will know about due dates in three ways: verbally, on the board and online. When a project is assigned, based on student assessments, a due date will be assigned as well. It will be spoken in class several times. It will be posted on the board under the appropriate class level and it will be on the website for each class level. It is the student’s individual responsibility to insure that his/her work is complete and turned in on time. Should a student need more time than what is given, arrangements can be made in come in before or after school only.


Late Work Policy

Late work will be accepted in the following way:

Due date – all work due at midnight or before

One day late – 95% is highest possible score

Two days late – 85% is highest possible score

Three days late – 75% is highest possible score

Four days late – 65% is highest possible score

Five or more days – 50% is highest possible score

Failure to turn in anything at all will result in a “0” – you do not get partial credit for something that you did not actually do.


The only exception to this late work policy are the writing prompts which can be turned in up until the week before the end of the quarter for full credit providing that they meet the criteria of 5 sentences per prompt.  This is the ONLY exception.


Unauthorized Website Access

During class, you may be asked to use our website for class as well as Google or an instructional video. Those are permitted websites. At no point in time are you allowed to view music videos, comedy videos, or other non-graphic design content on the computers in the lab during your class time. That is distractive, disruptive behavior both to you and to the people around you.  As such, it will not be tolerated.


Additionally, at no time during your class session or any other between the hours of 7am and 2pm are you permitted to view or participate in any game websites. No games on the computers at all. They are for graphic design and will be used only for graphic design. Should you decide to risk it and visit unauthorized websites, disciplinary action will be taken.

Seating Chart

There will be a seating chart and attendance will be taken from the seating chart, starting on or about week 2 of school. It is entirely up to me, the instructor, as to who sits where, and while you may have a preference of seating, understand not all requests can or will be honored. You may not like the person you are sitting next to and guess what? I make the seating chart.  I will move you around at my discretion throughout the year but you can count on getting a new seating arrangement on or around the time quarter grades come out. The new seating chart will be posted on the wall inside the classroom and posted by class color and number.  All computers are numbered. You will find your seat based on your computer number.



Desks are for graphic design, not backpacks. At no point in time should your backpack be on the desk. Your backpack should be hung on the back of your chair and aisles should be free of debris and/or personal clutter including backpacks, sports bags, etc. Those items should be stored beneath your chair to keep aisles clear at all times. The same holds true for handbags, for those who carry them to school. No items other than perhaps a notebook and a writing utensil in addition to the equipment should be on the desks at any time for any reason.



Replacement costs for the computers is $2500. Students who damage computers will be taken to the school police for disciplinary action and fines to be paid will be placed on parents should there be any damage. Replacement costs for keyboards is $100 should they incur damage. The mouse cost for replacement is also $100 and you will be responsible payment should any damage happen to the one at your desk. Fines will be assessed through the school and an incident report filed per school policy in instances of damages.



Students are disallowed to print from the student computers. Additionally should a student need something printed for another class; the library is a wonderful resource for that. The graphic design lab is not a place where you can get print outs you need for other classes. The instructor will handle any printing that needs to be done for this class only. Don’t ask, the answer is no but you are welcome to use the library’s resources on your own time for this.




  1. Students will demonstrate respect for the graphic design lab facilities and equipment.

  2. Students will demonstrate respect for other members of the class. Disrespectful behavior will not be tolerated. THINK before you speak.

  3. You are expected to use your class time wisely in order to complete assignments. Do your own work. Cheating gets you a zero and will result in appropriate disciplinary action as per school policy. If you don’t know how to do something, ask nicely.

  4. You are expected to get your assignments in advance with missing class for a school-related activity or pre-arranged absence.

  5. You may not leave the classroom without permission and a hall pass. Passes are limited and outlined in this syllabus. It is your responsibility to take care of your personal needs between classes. If I can do it, you can too.

  6. All class disruptions will be handled in accordance with school policy. The environment of this classroom will be one where everyone has the opportunity to learn.

  7. Any books and materials checked out for class will be returned neatly to the areas where they belong and checked back in. These areas will be kept in a neat and orderly fashion.

  8. All work areas will be clean with chairs pushed in before you leave. Failure to clean your area will result in a loss of daily points.

  9. Be on time to class. Attendance and punctuality are extremely important. Please review tardy policy outlined in this syllabus for actions to be taken.

  10. You will remain in your seat at the end of each class period until the bell rings. I do not allow you to line up at the door and everyone will be quiet during any and all announcements.


The Next Level

In order for students to be eligible to move on to Levels 2, 3 or 4, they must have and maintain a “B” or higher in graphic design and/or have express written permission from the instructor.


Simply Stated

This elective class is fun and creative, but that does not mean that it is an “easy A” or “kickback” class. I am here to help you learn and make it as interesting as possible but ultimately it is up to YOU to take responsibility for your own experience in this class.  If you are ready to learn, I am ready to teach you.


I do understand that we are not all amazing artists. No one is asking you to be an amazing artist. Some people naturally are and that’s a wonderful asset to have however it is not a requirement of graphic design that anyone be any kind of an artist at all.  The one thing that I do know is that no one ever accomplished anything by sitting down and never trying. If you are willing to try, I can help you succeed. I also know that if you choose to try, I can teach you the skills you need to be a skillful and successful graphic designer.


If you put in honest effort and you are on-task during class time, then you will do just fine in this class. You and I will have no issues and you might even just enjoy the class and find something about which you are passionate.



Yes. Pants. Yours need to be pulled up for this class, now and always. The diagram to the left explains where the field of Graphic Design stands on this issue.


We are professionals and as such we will conduct ourselves in a professional manner, in the way we speak, act and in the clothes we wear and how we wear them.


In this course, you are required to wear your pants at a professional level: above your hips. Sagging is not permitted now nor will it be permitted in the future.


The diagram shows what actions will be taken should you decide that the rules do not apply to you, because friends, they do.



You will receive a verbal warning the first time your undies decide to show in class. The next time, you will receive a written warning and the third time you will be written up for insubordination.



If your buttocks are showing, cresting atop your undies, shorts, etc., you will be given a verbal warning the first time. The second time you will be written up for indecent exposure.



If you decide to wear your pants below your buttocks, you will be written up for disorderly conduct without any verbal warning whatsoever.



Your rights are not being violated by being asked to pull your pants up to a professional level. Please be prepared to be in compliance or face the consequences. When you walk out of here, you can pull them down to your ankles for all I care, but in class they will be pulled up at all times. No exceptions.


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