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Brain Storming!


What is a brain storm? Is it like lightening flashes across your brain? Is it scary?
YES! Its all that and the scarier the better! HUH? No really... the more weird, outlandish and crazy you get while brain storming, the greater your ideas can grow, blossom and flourish!

So to empower you and help you fully understand this concept, I have a few things we need to review together so we can successfully move forward.

Scamper: This is a chart which, if you actually follow part or most of it, will assist you in learning how to be a better brain stormer, help you to be more creative and teach you how to ask the hard questions.


Another effective technique is called Mind Mapping. This is where you literally draw out (or write out) the problem starting with the problem in the center and then place the potential solutions around it and expand on them.


BUT BE WARNED! It is FAR better to brainstorm alone to begin with than to brainstorm as a group. Why? Someone is going to kill your idea without meaning to, in the beginning. Brainstorming on an individual basis is far better then get together as a group and discuss your ideas, being open to other ideas, seeing how ideas could mesh, or be willing to find still completely different solutions to your original problem.

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