CD/DVD Cover
In this assignment, you will have your choice to do a CD cover for an emerging artist (Jewel Case) or a DVD cover for a first run movie that is using minimal packaging.
Your CD can be in any musical genre you choose and the names you can choose from are:
• RattSnaik
• Rainbow Tiger
• Flames of Purple
• LaBouché
• Particles of Light
• Quinosha
• Zasquatch
• Lords of No Mercy
Your DVD can be from any movie genre you choose and the names you can choose from are:
• The Day Your Mom Stood Still
• Dial "M" for Monkey
• South by North West
• It Never Rains in Northern Idaho
• Rockwell
• Attack of the 4 Foot Man
• Swamp
• The House in the Valley
• Triggered
1) 10 initial thumbnail sketches - not architectural renderings or scientific drawings, quick thumbnail sketches of your potential layout for the piece of your choosing plus your CD/DVD.
Worth 40 points - due in class on date assigned
2) Design comps - you will pick your top 3 sketches from each and implement them ROUGHLY on the computer to give a general idea of the direction you are headed.
Not a finished piece. Not in color. A rough comp x3 each.
Worth 60 points - due on day 2 of this assignment.
3) Peer critique. Once you have completed your design comps, you will get 3 peer critiques. There is a list of who critiques whom. It is to be adhered to. Remember that critiques are not opinions. Your peer critiques will have 3 positives and 3 negatives per comp. YOU will keep this, follow the advice and I will observe it for credit for you.
Worth: 120 points - due on day 3 at the latest
(considered late after day 3's class session)
4) Logo. The record label that endorses your musician OR the film studio that's produced your movie needs an original logo too. (Can't be an existing company)
10 thumbnails - 20 points
3 comps - 30 points
Peer critique - 60 points -- All due on day 4
5) The case. Work on either your jewel case or your self-contained DVD case. Use either Photoshop or Illustrator or a combination of both to achieve the look you desire.
• Nothing that already exists - no parodies, inspiration is fine but plagiarism is not.
You will have 3 class sessions to work on this. Only.
Worth: 200 points
6) The CD/DVD itself. The likelihood of it needing to be thematic or potentially even match your jewel case/cover is high. This shouldn't take a lot of extra work once your case is finished. You will have 2 class sessions to work on this.
Worth: 170 points