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It would GREATLY benefit you to visit HERE and take good notes. We will go over this information in class however you will be responsible for having this in your notes.

Messy Page

Baby Baboon...

Human Veggie Face

Using the tools we discussed in class, create a page that is:

7" x 7" at 300dpi with a transparent background

and explore the tools and get messy!

Actually experiment and make me believe it. Your grade for this is relative to the amount of effort you put into it.

50 points

1. Download the image files you will need:


2. Await instruction.

3. REALLY - Wait for instructions and watch the overhead demo... LISTEN as well - in other words, put your phone away and pay attention.

100 points


Ignoring the backgrounds chosen for the photos,


1. Uses many veggies to depict the face (minimum of 9)

2. Is arranged in a clever manner so that the face is easily seen

3. Nothing but fruits and veggie were used

4. Is clearly a human face

5. No extra strange shadows except where needed

6. No extra white areas (bad cropping, erasing)

7. Close attention to detail

1.  Create a page in Photoshop that is:

     7" tall x 5" wide at 300dpi in RGB color

     with a transparent background.

2. You will use Google images to create a face from fruits and vegetables.

No, you may not use breads, meats, animals, or grains. ONLY fruits and vegetables. Nothing else.

3. You will label each of your layers with BOTH the fruit/veggie and he part of the face:

i.e.: cabbage - head, radish - left eye, etc.

4. You will use a MINIMUM of 9 different fruits and veggies. Yes I mean 9. Not 8. Not 7. I mean I want you to use NINE DIFFERENT fruits and veggies to construct a face.

5. You will use the tools and techniques we are learning in Photoshop:
scale, crop, erase, copy, paste, color mode, rotate, move, layers, and perhaps even the magic wand and invert selection.

6. When you save, you will save one file as an editable PSD and another as a JPG for the internet.

7. It is due our next class session (all work due our next class session).

90 points

To the left, there are some examples of what I WOULD like from you... only done in your own, unique, creative style.

Here are some examples of what I do not want from you (below):


Ignoring the backgrounds chosen for the photos,


1. The lime has a human face place within it, that is not what this project is about.

2. Photo #2 uses a pita or tortilla for the main part of the head. That is not able to be used in this project at all, it is not a fruit or a vegetable.

3. Photo #3 only uses 3 veggies and has no head for the face to rest upon.

4. Photo #4, while very clever indeed, does not use the correct number of fruits and veggies for this project plus it uses a non-fruit or veggie for the white puffball at the end of Santa's hat.

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