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There are documents that are required for your parent/legal guaridan to sign and for you to return before you will be allowed to use various components of this computer lab. They include but are not limited to: The CCSD Acceptable Use Policy and the course syllabus as well as acknowledgement of the ramifications of using personal electronic devices of any kind in class.

CCSD's Acceptable Use Policy   (printable 2 page version)


CCSD's Acceptable Use Policy details internet use by students, language, behavior and all areas of online conduct.

Students and parents/guardians both are required to sign documents stating that they have read, understand and will adhere to these policies at all times. Students will sign this form once per quarter to remind them of this policy and its enforcability. Individual instructors may have additions to this policy.


Student Form

Parent/Guardian Form

Personal Technology Internet Use Policy


Students are forbidden from using their personal technology in class. It should not be out at any time for any reason. We are a computer lab with internet. You may not charge your cell phone or connect it in any way to any computer in any way for any reason. There will be numbered charging stations for your devices and they are the ONLY place other than your backpack that your device should be. Otherwise, your device may be subject to confiscation until retrieved by a parent should your personal electronic device become an issue during my class time.

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