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Alice in Wonderland: Part 2 - Using Adobe InDesign

You set up the BOOK COVER, now open Adobe InDesign and let's do the INSIDE PAGES!

  1. Make a new print document that is 5.5" x 8.5" 

    1. DO check "facing pages" if it is not checked already

    2. Choose "landscape" for your orientation

    3. Set your bleed to 0.25" on all sides​

    4. Set your margins on the top, inside to be 0.75"

    5. Set the outside margin to be 0.5"

    6. Set your bottom margin to be 1" 

    7. You will have 1 column

    8. Set number of pages to 3

    9. Press "ok" or "create"

  2. We will create TWO Master Pages - one for the Chapter Header of the book and the other for the pages with type.

    1. Make sure you have your "pages" panel open. (Go under the "Window" pull down menu and select "pages" if you don't.)​

    2. Look at the A-Master. See two pages? A right page and a left one? Grab the left one and throw it in the little garbage can inside that Pages Panel. (Video for 12 seconds of how to)

    3. Now click on & go to your A-Master. You're going to set 2 guides from the left rulers.

      1. The first guide set to 2.75"​

      2. The second guide set to 3"

    4. Now set a horizontal guide from the top ruler and put it on 8"

    5. Take your text tool and make a box.

      1. Make it the width of your page and set it on the 8" ruler.​

      2. Place a # in it in 9 point EB Garamond and align to center (command + C)

    6. Now highlight that # and go to: Type > Insert Special Character > Markers > Current Page Number

    7. Make sure that the 9 point EB Garamond CHARACTER sits on the horizontal guide you set at 8"... 

  3. Go to the Pages Menu and select "New Master" - this will create a 2-page master page spread called "B-Master" click on it.

    1. On B-Master, set your guides as above and your page numbers as above as well... on BOTH right and left pages.​

    2. Now atop each, drop in a horizontal guide at 0.5" from the top of the page.

    3. Create a text box the width of the page and type "ALICE IN WONDERLAND" (without the quotes), center the text (command + C) and set it to BonvenoCF Light and 7 points with tracking set to 30.

    4. Make sure the bottom of your text box sits atop the guide line you set to 0.5" and make it short enough that the text is visible and sits NEAR the guide.

    5. Now take your Line Tool and draw a line in 0.5 point black that looks like the example A

    6. REPEAT ON THE OTHER SIDE as in Example A!

  4. Now, inside your Pages Panel, drag "A-Master" onto Page 1

  5. Then still inside your Pages Panel, drag "B-Master" onto Pages 2-3

  6. SAVE your file as "FirstName-P#-Alice-Pages"

    1. Use YOUR first name​

    2. Use YOUR class period # - 1, 3 or 4 respectively

    3. YES I want it saved that way. Points off for not saving with the right file name. Not kidding. My way. 

  7. Now double click on Page 1 to bring it up on your screen.

    1. Create a text box from the left margin to the right margin at the top of the page's margin.​

    2. Type "CHAPTER SEVEN" in all caps in BonvenoCF Light at 15 points with tracking set to 30.

    3. Directly under it and only the length of the text, use the Line Tool and place a 0.5 point line in black.

    4. See example B

  8. Now you're going to make a text box and copy/paste the words, "There was a table set out under a tree in front of the house, and the March Hare and the Hatter were having tea at it."

    1. Change your font to EB Garamond Regular with a font size of 12 points and leading to 15 points.​

    2. Now make the text box fit on the right hand column, starting at about halfway down the page.

    3. Open "Paragraph" under Window>Type>Paragraph and deselect "hyphenate" so you don't get ugly hyphens.

    4. Select all your text (command + A) and Justify it (command + shift + J)

    5. This next bit will be a little confusing. I'm going to spell it out for her here in text and with a picture as well. This way you'll know what I did to get this look. (A lot of children's books use this technique!)

      1. make "T" be on its own line​

      2. make "here was a" on one line

      3. make "table set" on its own line

      4. make "out under" on one line

      5. and make "a tree" on one line

      6. let the rest of the text do its own thing

      7. example C

    6. Select the letter "T" and open your Paragraph palette.

      1. Give your letter "T" ​a Drop Cap of 11 lines

      2. Select "here was a" and in your Character Palette, set your font size to 37 with 16 point leading

      3. Select "table set" and change your font size to 46 with 40 point leading

      4. Select "out under" and change your font size to 39 with 35 leading

      5. Select "a tree" and change your font size to 69 with 40 leading

      6. If you did this correctly, it will look like example D. There is also a short video.

  9. SAVE! We are going to do the rest of the pages!

Now we will work on the PAGES within the chapter.

  1. Go to Page 2 by clicking on it.

  2. Make a Text Box and copy/paste the paragraphs below.

    1. Set the font to EB Garamond in 12 points with the leading set to 15. Set your tracking to -7 (yes, a negative number)

    2. Justify the text (command + shift + J)

    3. make 2 columns of text with a 0.25" gutter between (command + B)

    4. The text you need: 
      "Very uncomfortable for the Dormouse,’ thought Alice; ‘only, as it’s asleep, I suppose it doesn’t mind."

      The table was a large one, but the three were all crowded together at one corner of it: ‘No room! No room!’ they cried out when they saw Alice coming. ‘There’s PLENTY of room!’ said Alice indignantly, and she sat down in a large arm-chair at one end of the table.

      ‘Have some wine,’ the March Hare said in an encouraging tone. Alice looked all round the table, but there was nothing on it but tea. ‘I don’t see any wine,’ she remarked. ‘There isn’t any,’ said the March Hare.

      ‘Then it wasn’t very civil of you to offer it,’ said Alice angrily. ‘It wasn’t very civil of you to sit down without being invited,’ said the March Hare. ‘I didn’t know it was YOUR table,’ said Alice; ‘it’s laid for a great many more than three.’ ‘Your hair wants cutting,’ said the Hatter. He had been looking at Alice for some time with great curiosity, and this was his first speech.

      ‘You should learn not to make personal remarks,’ Alice said with some severity; ‘it’s very rude.’ The Hatter opened his eyes very wide on hearing this; but all he SAID was, ‘Why is a raven like a writing-desk?’

      ‘Come, we shall have some fun now!’ thought Alice. ‘I’m glad they’ve begun asking riddles.–I believe I can guess that,’ she added aloud. ‘Do you mean that you think you can find out the answer to it?’ said the March Hare. ‘Exactly so,’ said Alice.

      ‘Then you should say what you mean,’ the March Hare went on. ‘I do,’ Alice hastily replied; ‘at least–at least I mean what I say–that’s the same thing, you know.’ ‘Not the same thing a bit!’ said the Hatter. ‘You might just as well say that “I see what I eat” is the same thing as “I eat what I see”!’

      ‘You might just as well say,’ added the Dormouse, who seemed to be talking in his sleep, ‘that “I breathe when I sleep” is the same thing as “I sleep when I breathe”!


    5. PLEASE don't try to TYPE all that. Just copy/paste it.


  3. So you will now format this text some more, we aren't finished with this page.

    1. Select the first character of your top-most paragraph on Page 2 - it will be beginning quote marks​

    2. Go to the Paragraph Palette and select "4" for the height of your Drop Caps

    3. This will bump that entire paragraph to the right, that's okay, its supposed to look like that.

    4. If you didn't UNcheck "Hyphenate" now is a spectacular time to do that as hyphenated text is terrible.

    5. Now make sure that your text all aligns at the top and bottom of your page so that the lines of text from one column to the other are in line with one another.

    6. See example E for a visual of all you were supposed to do. Yours should look EXACTLY like mine.

  4. Now you need to do something a little more weird.

    1. Download the weird shape png (click on it to make it bigger then copy and paste it in InDesign) ​

    2. Use the Pen Tool in InDesign to redraw it

    3. Put it on Page 3

    4. Set the fill to "none" (the red diagonal line through, like "do not enter")

    5. and shrink the shape proportionally to fit the page nicely. (use SHIFT to keep it proportional)

    6. Go to File > Place (command + D) and place the tea pot in the lower right hand corner of the page so that it occupies about 1/3 of the bottom space

    7. position the shape so it looks as though the bottom tip is coming out of the spout of the tea pot

  5. Now, on page 2, there is more text as indicated by the tiny red box. CAREFULLY with the selection tool, click the red box. It will give you an odd looking cursor with sort of an "L" shape and some texty bits. 

    1. Take that cursor and click at the top but clearly inside the weird shape on Page 3 to finish filling it with text. ​

    2. Manipulate your shape slightly to accommodate your text.

  6. When you're happy with the overall look, you're finished! Just follow the directions below for turning in your completed projects.


Once you have completed this, your book pages are complete! 
Go to File > Adobe PDF Preset > Smallest File Size and save as a PDF. UPLOAD YOUR PDF


TAKE A SCREEN SHOT OF YOUR ENTIRE SCREEN with EACH PAGE (command + shift + 4) by positioning your mouse in the upper left corner, clicking and dragging to the lower right corner. Turn in on your NEW Google Classroom.



Click on each one to download.



  • BonvenoCF Light 15 point,
    tracking 30

  • Short 0.5 point line nicely frames the text

Screen Shot 2020-03-14 at 11.57.40


  • BonvenoCF Light 7 point, tracking 30

  • Guide at 0.5"

  • Short 0.5 point line nicely frames the text

Screen Shot 2020-03-14 at 10.27.26



here was a

table set

out under

a tree

in front of the house, and the March Hare and the Hatter were having tea at it.

Screen Shot 2020-03-14 at 12.39.30


T = Drop Cap 11 lines

here was a = 37/16

table set = 46/40

out under = 39/35

a tree = 69/40

in front of the house, and the March Hare and the Hatter were having tea at it. = 12/15

Screen Shot 2020-03-14 at 1.15.33 PM.png


Screen Shot 2020-03-14 at 5.20.15 PM.png
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