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Week 11 (Oct. 22-25)


This week you're going to write a super fast story about something that happened to you when you were younger. We all have funny, silly, mildly embarrassing stories that are okay to share with each other.

I will tell you my story about why I hate bananas. 

No, it isn't that I don't like them, I hate them. They're bananas. Its okay.


A minimum of 6 sentences that depict action. A better story is one that explains a little background so we have context and then launch into the action. You're in high school. Please use a vocabulary that is school appropriate. ("That was effing wicking, dude" may be much less appropriate than, "That was amazing!" which is much more grammatically correct.)  THIS SHOULD NOT BE DONE IN CLASS. 

Yes, that makes it HOMEWORK. (60 points)


You will spend some time in class taking your story and making some sketches about how the "action" played out. I will give you a demo on the board of my "banana story" sketch that you can all see. 

You will need a total of SIX FRAMES: 3 columns and 2 rows.

Your sketches are worth points so keep them in your Graphic Design notebook so they can be checked off for points. (30 points)


So now once your sketches have been graded, you can go to the computer. We will ALL set up our files the same.

  1. Adobe Illustrator -- 11" x 8.5"  LANDSCAPE (wide)

  2. Make a total of six (6) squares that are each 3" x 3" using the Rectangle Tool and duplicating it

  3. Using your story, your sketches and the Red Riding Hood Tutorial we did last week, draw out your storyboard in 6 boxes

We will have a progress check the last class session this week and you are expected to be between one-third to half finished.

This project is due the end of Week 12 and is worth 100 points.

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