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Changing Things

3 assignments

You will need:

1. THIS FILE that houses your instructions (There are pictures)


2. to get a photo from the internet that is on a WHITE background. (I mean white only, nothing else)

It can be literally anything. A chair. A car. Your mom. As long as its on a white background I don't care.


When you are finished, save it as a PSD with layers and post it in Google Classroom in the assignment called "Reflections".

PROJECT 1: Reflections

You will need:

1. THIS FILE that houses your instructions

2.  And then you will need to choose one of these photos to download:

When you are finished, save it as a PSD with layers and post it in Google Classroom in the assignment called "Changing Hair Color".

PROJECT 2: Changing Hair Color

PROJECT 3: Cat Eyes

You will need:

1. THIS FILE that houses your instructions (There are pictures)

2. You will choose one of the following files and download it:

3. Then you will choose one of the following files and download it:

When you are finished, save it as a PSD with layers and post it in Google Classroom in the assignment called "Cat Eyes".

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