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There are several websites we will be using this year. We will use each one to obtain different information.

We will also be using 3 different text books this year:

Weekly Vocabulary

Communicating Through Graphic Design (starts as a website until the books arrive) (this website)

Graphic Design School, 5th Edition (book)

Against the Clock (Adobe Illustrator, Photoshop & InDesign) (book)

Take a moment and look around you. The computers in here are all numbered, as are the scanners (shared by 2 computers in most cases) and so are the textbooks. If you are assigned to computer #23, then you will use the textbook assigned to computer #23. The textbooks are brand new and some may not be available for everyone within the first 2 weeks of school or longer. As such you will be sharing with your immediate neighbor. Understand that should there be any damage at all, everyone assigned to that textbook in all classes will be held accountable for any damages. An investigation will occur before charges are assigned.

To have a preview of what we will be doing, rather than asking me (because I will tell you to consult the website), you can look week by week to gain an understanding of what's coming up. I will release it, generally speaking, on a Quarterly basis. There may be exceptions.

You will have weekly vocabulary words to learn, use and review.

Every 3rd/4th class session, we will have a quiz.

There will always be at least a day between getting your vocabulary words and having a quiz so that you have ample time to study.

Every 4-5 weeks, you will have a smallish exam to test your overall knowledge gleaned throughout the course. They will be comprehensive, covering all materials from all weeks.

There will be a larger exam with a skills assessment at the quarter. The skills assessments will be done on the computer.

Your semester exams will be written only. No skills assessments at those times. Your skills assessment will occur, typically, the week before the semester's end, during a regular class session.

Intermittently, depending on your class session, you may be fortunate enough to have a guest speaker. If we have a guest speaker, there are some special rules for guest speaker behavior. First, we will talk about the speaker the session before his/her arrival. You will come up with TWO questions that you could ask him/her so if s/he asks "Are there any questions?" You all look like heroes and have questions. 

Today we will familiarize you all with this classroom and the course syllabus.

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