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Juice Boxes, Direct Mailers

  • Your create a fictitious company that sells fruit juices nationwide. They have traditionally sold their juice in plastic bottles. Now they want to repackage their product to better compete with other juices on the market. They want to sell their juice in single-serving juice boxes. They also want to update their image to better attract children and their parents to buy their juice products. Students will help this company by rebranding it under a new name with a new logo, as well as designing a juice box package that meets the marketing requirements of the company.

  • Additionally the company wants to create an educational flyer, extolling the health benefits of their organic, GMO-free juices.



Create a new logo for the company

  • You will have 15 sketches of your proposed logo

  • We will narrow it down to 3 sketches and perhaps combine some ideas

  • One of those 3 sketches will be the logo you use. I must see it/approve it and you may not change your mind.

Things to consider:

  • the company is rebranding itself to have more appeal to children and parents.

  • the company's logo should have no more than 3 colors maximum.

  • What colors are appealing to use for juice? Are there colors you should avoid?

  • What colors are children most attracted to? Is this different from colors their parents may be attracted to?

Your logo MUST be completed within the one week timeline and MUST be approved to go on with the project.



You will use a combination of Adobe Illustrator and Photoshop to complete the juice box.

DOWNLOAD A TEMPLATE (JuicyJuice  Jumex   MinuteMaid   TraderJoe's)

Look at the sample juice boxes in class. Look online at other juice boxes. (10 minute activity)

Using the template provided, students will develop:

  • The overall look/feel for the NEW (Company Name) Juice Box

  • The health benefits of Your Company's juice

  • The nutrition panel

  • Any allergen warnings

  • An ingredients list

  • Any mascot/s to be used to promote Your Company



You will create a Direct Marketing Flyer

Create a document that is 6" wide x 4" tall, with 0.125" bleed and 0.125" inset

Research marketing to children/teens for possible themes for your direct mail pieces.

Look at the Direct Mail samples provided in class (coming soon).

Create a Direct Mail Piece that:

  • incorporates one strategy from this site

  • fits the company's new image

  • has a section for a mailing label

  • lists the health benefits of your juice

  • mentions that it is organic and GMO-Free

  • Shows a picture of your juice box, perhaps the fruit from which it comes and perhaps your juice in a glass as well

  • LOOKS like it could be actually mailed to parents with young children



Your final product will be graded based on the following rubric:

  1. ______ / 10pts  Includes at least three pictures of the juice/fruit/juice boxes on direct mailer

  2. ______ / 10pts  Mentions health benefits on both, lists nutrition & ingredients on juice box

  3. ______ / 10pts  Uses official colors (you decide)

  4. ______ / 10pts  Mentions organic, uses NON-GMO logo

  5. ______ / 10pts  Follows templates and/or design specifications

  6. ______ / 10pts  Includes a logo for the company's new look

  7. ______/  20pts  Uses good layout skills including contrast, balance, scale, etc.

  8. ______/  20pts  Looks like an actual juice box and an actual direct mailer.


Total: _______/ 100 pts.

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