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End of Quarter Exam

Okay ladies and gentlemen, I have endeavored to make this unit on Photoshop as fun, crazy and memorable as humanly possible. Along the way, despite yourselves, you learned Photoshop quite well. Not all of it, but enough of it that you should be able to perform a variety of functions. If you didn't pay attention and didn't do the work, you will not do well on this exam. If you paid attention, you're in the clear. You will be FINE. I promise.


Below are the instructions - STEP BY STEP - to successfully complete the End of Quarter Exam. You will have ALL WEEK to start, implement and THURSDAY & FRIDAY if needed, to complete it. DO NOT WAIT until the last day, you will not finish. This will likely take most people 4 of the 5 days to complete.




Follow the instructions. In order to receive a grade, your work must be saved as BOTH a JPG and a screen shot with your layers file open and showing. BE SURE to label your layers.


1. Download these images: (click here)


2. Open the exam in Acrobat (click here)

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