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3 assignments

Combining 2+ Photos, Creating a Photo that didn't happen...

Project 1: CHRIS

  1. Open the File HERE

  2. Open the LAYERS palette and notice that the image has only the "background" layer.

  3. You may have heard that the left and right sides of your face are unequal in size. Divide the image exactly down the middle.  It may be helpful to set up a guide to do this. With some images you may have to crop and rotate them to get the proper alignment.

  4. Make a selection of the left side of the image with the RECTANGLE MARQUEE TOOL.

  5. Then EDIT > Copy.


  7. Then EDIT > PASTE.

  8. A new layer containing the copied selection is automatically created. By default it is called Layer 1.

  9. With the MOVE TOOL, re-position the face half to the right. Then, EDIT > TRANSFORM > FLIP HORIZONTAL and a new picture will be revealed.

  10. Click on the BACKGROUND LAYER to make it active again and repeat the SELECTION > COPY > PASTE routine for the right part of the face. Turn on/off the visibility (the eyeball) in the different layers to see 3 different images.

  11. Save as Chris.psd to preserve the layers.

  12. Then save as Chris1.jpg and show one view, then Chris2.jpg to show the other view and Chris3.jpg to show the original. Upload all 3 to Google classroom in the correct place for credit. (50 points each x3)

Project 2: AUTO SHOW

  1. Download the cars:  Car #1     Car #2     Car #3     Car #4

  2. Download the THREE backgrounds:  BG#1     BG#2     BG#3

  3. Using the techniques we learned last week of removing the background, first remove the backgrounds from each of the car photos.

  4. Then using BG#1, place the cars into the photo in a pleasing manner that is both logical and shows the cars in the best way.

  5. You will do the same but with a different configuration for the cars in BG#2

  6. And repeat -again changing the configuration for the cars- using BG#3

  7. Save each of your files as PSD files - and call them what they are!

  8. For this project, you should have
    • all 4 cars in BG#1 - 50 points
    • all 4 cars in BG#2 - 50 points
    • all 4 cars in BG#3 - 50 points

  9. THIS IS ABOUT YOUR CREATIVITY AT ARRANGING THEM. All must be visible to the naked eye but no one said you couldn't add other things or use other skills.

  10. Upload all to Google Classroom IN THE CORRECT PLACE for credit. (50 points each x3)

Project 3: MAN ON FIRE -- IT IS - 300pts - DIFFICULT!!!

  1. Visit THIS LINK for your VIDEO instructions. You will need headphones. YOU WILL NEED HEADPHONES.
    DO NOT play the video with volume without headphones. The man giving the instructions has a pretty thick accent that may be challenging to understand for some of you. He shows you what to do but you will need to expand the video to be able to read the instructions. It is not closed-captioned so there are no subtitles. Sorry.

  2. Download the images you will need:

  3. Turn in to the RIGHT ASSIGNMENT in Google Classroom for Credit.

    Trump on Fire" (Follow the steps but use Trump (provided in the link) instead

    1. ALSO - light whomever you please on fire just make sure your picture is high resolution. I'm flexible about the subject but not flexible about the resolution at all.

    2. OR you can light Mitch McConnell on fire. 

OR you can light Dillon on fire - because he honestly wants to be remembered and this seemed as good of way as any. He has three poses for you to choose from:  Dillon 1    Dillon 2    Dillon 3

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