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Your paper must be a minimum of

  • 2 typed pages double spaced (increased leading)

  • 11-12 point Times New Roman or Calibri

  • and MUST ONLY be done in Google Docs and turned in using Google Classroom for your class session

REMEMBER: minimum effort earns minimal grades always...

This is how you will structure your paper:​

Paragraph 1 will identify the “problem” and provide a minimum of 3 solutions.

Paragraphs 2-3-4 will speak about each solution in its own paragraph

Paragraph 5 will contain a conclusion statement that ties the problem and all 3 solutions together.

Yes it is fine to have more paragraphs, 5 is the minimum number allowable. A paragraph contains a minimum of 5 complete sentences.


You must have a minimum of 3 sources and they must be credited properly. If a website is used, please make certain to credit the website properly and list the link and other important information on your Works Cited page. Your sources WILL be checked.


Next week, you will turn in your topic you've chosen and a rough outline of your paper. Due date and specifics will be in Google Classroom.

WEEKLY there will be a portion of your paper that is due to help you stay on track and reduce the shock a week before its due and I'm reminding you each class. That's the goal.

If the above criteria are not met, no grade will be issued and a “0” will be recorded.



This is to be done OUTSIDE of class ONLY – you are NOT to work on it in class whatsoever.


Choose ONE of the following based on your class level:



  1. What it takes to be a successful graphic designer in the present economy (this will involve researching what a graphic designer DOES, what designers are paid and what the super successful ones are doing that is different than others who make less money)

  2. Movers, Shakers and Innovators of Graphic Design
    (This will involve you researching who the CURRENT movers and shakers are in graphic design, what they are doing that is different and what sets them apart from their peers as a mover, a shaker and/or an innovator.)

  3. Bauhaus: Then and Present-Day Influences
    (This will involve you researching what Bauhaus was as a movement, what the design premises were/are for this style and where you can find their influences in current design trends in everything that Bauhaus touched.)



  1. A World of Soup: How Campbell’s Soup Advertising Changed America

  2. How the Industrial Revolution Changed Graphic Design

  3. The American Dream, Exemplified in Graphic Design/Print Advertising



  1. Cringiest Fonts Available and What Makes Them Cringe-Worthy

  2. Everything Old is New Again in Graphic Design – Trends Making a Come-Back

  3. How Graphic Designers Use Color to Influence Purchase Decisions



  1. Milton Glaser’s Influence on Modern Graphic Design

  2. Significant Changes that Improved Graphic Design Today

  3. Cage Match to the Death: Photoshop or Illustrator, Who Wins and Why

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