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Type: Part 1


A couple of short videos:

1. Type Basics and Just Clicking

2. Clicking and Dragging


Then there is a super-short assignment:

Here are the video instructions and written instructions are:

  • Demonstrate proficiency with the type tool

  • Show both methods of getting type on the page

  • Show a wide variety of fonts & weights, colors and sizes

  • Show single words, show paragraphs

  • Show different alignments

  • Show different tracking (letter spacing) and leading (line spacing)

  • Remember that you know how to rotate, reflect, & shear

Content Standard:

Content Standard 3.0: Demonstrate Knowledge of the Key Aspects of Production Using Industry Standard Software


Industry Standard Software being learned is Adobe Illustrator and a Key Aspect of this software is knowing how to use typography's basic features.



Type: Part 2

Short Video Instructions:

1. Putting Type on a Path

2. Type on a Shape

3. Type on Top & Bottom of a Shape & Baseline Shift


And just like before, there is a super-short assignment:

Here are the video instructions and written instructions as well:

  • Demonstrate proficiency with putting type on paths and shapes

  • Use only type

  • Demonstrate all of the skills presented in the "type on a path" tutorials

  • Show a wide variety of fonts, font sizes & weights, colors

  • The expectation is that you are using the skills you've learned to demonstrate that you are proficient with all of what you have learned so far.


Content Standard:

Content Standard 3.0: Demonstrate Knowledge of the Key Aspects of Production Using Industry Standard Software


Industry Standard Software being learned is Adobe Illustrator and a Key Aspect of this software is knowing how to use type on a path, type on a shape, type on top and bottom of a shape, and baseline shift features.


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