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Week 16 (Dec. 3-7)

Personal Logo & Business Card

For the next 3 weeks, we will be doing a personal logo and then turning it into a business card for YOU, or for who you want to be.

STEP 1:  What do you think you might like to do as a career? Can't decide? You have too many options? You think you don't have any options? In a perfect world, if money were no object, what would you like to do to earn money for the rest of your life?

Write down your top 3 choices in your notebook. (worth 3 points)

STEP 2: Sketch, sketch, sketch. Sketch what? If you were going to be in that industry, what are some objects commonly associated with that profession? Or, is there some object that has special meaning to you? Give yourself 15 different directions to go. That doesn't mean that if your item of special interest is a tree that you draw 15 different trees, that means that you look at the tree and things associated with trees. Leaves, bark, acorns, pine needles, pine cones, maple syrup, etc. You will need 15 thumbnail sketches. (worth 15 points)

STEP 3: You will pick your 3 best sketches and go to the computer with them. From there, you will develop 3 different logos based on your 3 sketches. They don't need to be perfect at this stage, but a nice idea of what the finished product would look like if you were to finish each of them. (This is a digital sketch) (worth 75 points)

STEP 4: You will critique three of your classmates and they will critique you. I will assign critique-buddies and you will have a critique form. It won't be terrible, I promise. We will use what we learned in Austin's Butterfly as our guide and everyone will be kind and use proper graphic design terms. They are being graded for critiquing you as well. (worth 30 points)

STEP 5: Using the critique form your buddies filled out, do a moment of self-reflection and make a decision on which of the 3 logos to press forward with to be your logo.

You will write a minimum of THREE (3) sentences in your design journal / notebook to reflect the basis of your decision. (worth 30 points)

All of this should be completed before this week ends

(Steps 1-5 due last class session LAST week, week 15)

STEP 6: Using the arsenal of tools you have learned in this class in Adobe Illustrator, you will complete your logo design expeditiously. Your completed logo design should happen in one class session.

STEP 7: Sketch, Sketch, Sketch. Now its time to lay out your business card. 

A business card is 3.5" x 2" and may be horizontal or vertical. Traditionally business cards are horizontal and some people have other sizes but 99% of printers prefer to have them the standard size and your print prices will be MUCH less so we will do traditional sizing. You will do a minimum of 10 sketches. You're looking at logo placement vs words (use lines to indicate words) and overall balance / look & feel of the card. (sketches worth 10 points)

STEP 8: Now go to the computer and set up your page to be 3.5" x 2" either vertical or horizontal and implement the design from your sketch that you found to be the best solution for your logo. Be sure to include (fictitious information):

  • Your Name

  • Your Phone Number

  • An email address

  • Perhaps social media contact info

  • Website address

STEP 9: Background. Your business card should be much more interesting than just a white background, normally. As I tell you that my business is called "Clean Design" where I focus a lot on minimal graphics for maximum impact so my logo is a tomato on a white background. So if you're using white, you'd better have a great reason to do it and be prepared to write a statement about the design/color/gradient you chose.

STEP 10: Critiques. Yep. You will have 3 NEW buddies to take a look and write a few words about your business card. They will use professional language and use the skills we learned in Austin's Butterfly. You will also critique 3 people. (worth 30 points)

STEP 11: Based on the critiques that your peers gave you, implement changes that you agree will improve your overall layout. You will write a minimum of 3 sentence in your design journal / notebook about the changes you made and why. (worth 30 points)


That means turning in your work and getting feedback.


Due last class session of Week 17 in its final form.

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