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  1. This story, does it have to be about me? YES

  2. So can my story have me and other people? YES

  3. Well can my cousin be in the story too? YES

  4. What if it was me and my pet? Is that okay? YES

  5. Nothing ever happened to me when I was a kid... what should I write about? Write about how nothing ever happened to you as a kid and you had a boring childhood or whatever

  6. I don't remember anything except this morning and I'll forget that by dinner time. What do I write about? Write about what you can remember that happened.

  7. When you say "write" do you mean we can just tell you? NO. I mean write it on your website. In a text box. Do it.

  8. Have other students really asked you questions like this in the past? YES. And these are still my answers.




Beginning Storyboarding!


What is storyboarding?

Storyboarding is where you have a set number of frames and you tell a story within those frames - mostly.
It is a guide for movies, cartoon, and more. A TV Show knows if it a 30 minute sit-com, it really has 23 minutes of show to produce. A Storyboard helps everyone know and understand the expectations within the allotted time and what actions will be taken. Almost like a comic strip.

You will write a SHORT few sentences (6) about an incident that happened to you when you were little and then you will

draw out the story in frames in your notebook.

The written portion will go on your website. THIS TIME MAKE SURE YOUR SPELLING, GRAMMAR AND PUNCTUATION are good. Need help? Write it all then ask me.

After you have your storyboards drawn - sentence by sentence - in your notebooks, you will bring them to me to grade on the spot. What am I looking for? (Did you follow your own story? Do your drawings make sense with the story? Were they consistently advancing the story?)

THEN after your storyboard has been approved, you will go to the computer and set up a page with the following specifications:



  1. PAGE SIZE: 11" wide x 8.5" tall in Adobe Illustrator

  2. Press COMMAND + R (and let go) - That will make the rulers pop up on your screen.

  3. under "View" to go "Snap to guides"

  4. Grab inside the ruler and drag a ruler to allow for 0.25" border on the INSIDE of the page. If you drop it too soon, COMMAND + Z will make it go away and you can try again.

  5. Then place a guide at the horizontal points of 4-1/8" and 4-3/8"

  6. Then use your BOX TOOL and make 6 equal sized boxes inside the guides.

  7. Draw your cartoon frame by frame inside the boxes.


PROJECT DUE ON FRIDAY, of NEXT week so relax just a little.


Use Austin's Butterfly as your  guide and remember to make appropriate, helpful comments that will steer that individual's visual creation in the proper direction of success as well as to comment in the voice in which you would like to be commented upon as well. This week I will show you how to leave comment boxes in your website. You are required to visit the webpage of the person above you in the list and the person below you in the list. If the person directly above or below you doesn't have a webpage, go to the next available one. Use your actual first name and last initial when you sign in to leave a comment. No matter how funny and clever you think you are, you need to be NICE and HELPFUL. Swear words, inappropriate language, gestures, suggestions, etc. will not be tolerated. If you make me write you up for doing any of that, there will be further consequences so just be the kind of person to your fellow students that you are to me and everything will be great.


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