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Illuminated Manuscripts


Here is a handy time-line with pictures to help us understand how this all came to pass.

Bold text indicates photographs with captions are included.

330 AD — Constantine moves Roman capital to Constantinople (formerly Istanbul)

425 AD — Vatican Vergil

500 AD — Uncial lettering flourishes

570 AD — Birth of the prophet Muhammad

600 AD — Insular Script

680 AD — Book of Durrow

698 AD — Lindisfarne Gospels

751 AD — Arabs learn paper making from Chinese prisoners

800 AD — Book for Kells, Coronation Gospels

960 AD — Westminister Abbey is built


1066 AD — Battle of Hastings produces William the Conqueror as King of England

                    Doomsday Book begins (surveys of land, who owns it & what sort of men)

1086 AD — Doomsday Book complete (used for over-taxation of the people)

1163 AD — Notre Dame Cathederal construction begins in Paris

1192 AD — King Richard I out on Crusades (insert Arthurian legend here)

1209 AD — Cambridge University is founded

1215 AD — King John signs the Magna Carta (he didn't want to, took away power)

1265 AD — Marco Polo travels to China

1300 AD — Ormesby Psalter

1320 AD — Firearms are used in Europe

1348 AD — The Black Death arrives in England

1387 AD — Chaucer begins The Canterbury Tales

1413 - 1416 AD — Les tres riches heures du duc de Berry



1450 AD — Printing with movable type in Germany (Johannes Gutenberg)

  • Johannes Gutenberg perfected modular type.

  • He used metal instead of wood (it lasts longer)

  • Experimented with different metals

  • Needed one soft enough to make a mold

  • Needed one hard enough to withstand pressure of the press

How Did He Do It?

  • Carve letter on end of steel bar

  • That letterform is struck into a copper bar, making a matrix

  • Matrix is placed into type mold

  • Molten metal poured in to make wrong-reading letter

  • Shake mold to eliminate air bubbles, and remove immediately

  • Could make about 4000 individual letters per day

  • Wrong-reading letter prints right-reading


1491 AD — King Henry VIII is born (he was a real lady killer)

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