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Cave paintings at Lascaux (virtual tour)

Notice how items are not to any particular scale or sequence in recording their experiences, typical of prehistory's artistic documentarians.

The Invention of Writing


Here is a handy time-line with pictures to help us understand how this all came to pass.

Everything in bold indicates that there are photos with captions on the left for your viewing.



15,000 - 10,000 BC — Cave paintings at Lascaux



3600 BC — Blau Monument combines images and early writing

3500 BC — Sumerians settle in Mesopotamia

3200 BC — Menes, the First Pharaoh, unites Egypt

3100 BC — Early Sumerian pictographic scripts on clay tablets

3100 BC — King Zet's ivory tablet, early Egyptian pictographic writing



2900 BC — Early cylinder seals

2750 BC — Formal land-sale documents written in cuneiform

2600 BC — Early surviving papyrus manuscripts

2500 BC — Wedge-shaped cumeiform

2345 BC — Pyramid texts in the tomb of Unas



1830 - 1880 BC — Law Code of Hammurabi

1739 BC — Scarab of Ikhnaton and Nefertiti

1500 BC — Hieratic Scripts

1420 BC — Papyrus of Ani

1300 BC — Early Book of the Dead Papyrus Scrolls

1100 BC — Iron widely used for weapons and tools



600 BC — Nebuchandnezzar builds the Tower of Babel

400 BC — Demotic Script

332 - 330 BC — Alexander the Great conquers Egypt

197 BC — Rosetta Stone

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