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The Asian Contribution

Here is a handy time-line with pictures to help us understand how this all came to pass.

Bold text indicates pictures and captions are included.

1800 BC — Legendary Ts'ang Cheih invents writing

1500 BC — Oracle bone writing

551 BC — Confucius is born

528 BC — Siddhartha Guatama becomes the supreme Buddha

250 BC — Small seal calligraphy

221 BC — Shih Huang-ti unites China; The Great Wall is under contruction

105 AD — Ts'ai Lun invents paper

165 AD — Confucius classics carved in stone

200 AD — Regular-style calligraphy (simplified Chinese characters)

300 AD — Chops are used as identifying seals; chops used in Han dynasty

770 AD — Early datable Chinese relief painting; printed Buddhist charms

868 AD — Diamond Sutra


1000 AD — Chinese calligraphy printed with perfection

1000 AD — Gunpowder used in China

1040 AD — Pi Sheng invents movable type in China

1150 AD — Compass is invented

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