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Writing Prompts January 2018

1/8: Do you think that criminals should still be punished using “an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth?”

1/9: Should our public transit be improved to help eliminate pollution?

1/10: What has made you angry this week?

1/11: What is the most offensive thing you have ever heard anyone say?

1/12: What career do you think you want to have when you are older?

1/16: If and when you become the Supreme Ruler of the World, who will be your top advisor?

1/17: What is the most important quality a mother should have?

1/18: If you had a “do-over” button, what 1 thing in your life would you like to have a 2nd chance at?

1/19: Given your career choice, will it require additional schooling beyond high school?

1/22: Make up a really awkward description or an ad for an online dating site.

1/23: If you could go back to what caused you to be in the situation you are presently in, would you change your actions?

1/24: Describe your ultimate sandwich in detail.

1/25: In what way do you NOT fit in with your family?

1/26: Is attending college one of your goals? Why or why not?

1/29: How does pop culture change with every generation?

1/30: What are your best character traits and why?

1/31: Describe a way a friend supported you when you really needed it.

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