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Writing Prompts March 2018

4/3: What did you do over spring break? If you didn't do anything, what did you want to do?

4/4: What do you want more our of life: happiness OR money? (you can't have both, you have to choose)

4/5: Have you ever snooped at a friend's house?

4/6: What is your ultimate dream job?

4/9: If you had a pet parrot, what would you teach it to say?

4/10: Do you use coupons?

4/11: What is your favorite dessert?

4/12: Is there anything you're a snob about?

4/13: What do you imagine yourself doing 5 years from now?

4/16: What would life be like if unicorns and dragons existed presently?

4/17: Have you ever had something stolen from you? Explain.

4/18: What would you rather have: tons of cash but die in a year or have wonderful health for life? Explain.

4/19: Do you think that manners are important?

4/20: How would you compare your educational interests/goals with other students in your high school?

4/23: What catches your eye about a building's architecture? Explain.

4/24: Imagine your life is a best-selling book. Write the summary for the back cover.

4/25: Describe why community is or is not important to you.

4/26: You have magic soap. What does your magic soap wash away and why?

4/27: Describe a goal you have set for yourself and how you plan to accomplish it.

4/30: Are you able to turn to other for support in times of troubles? Who is always there for you? Explain.

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