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Writing Prompts Sept/Oct 2017

9/28: Is it more difficult to be a girl or a guy?

9/29: Is hook-up culture leaving your generation unhappy and unprepared for love?


10/2: Does punctuation in text message matter?

10/3: Are the web filters at Rancho too restrictive?

10/4: Is online learning as good as face-to-face learning?

10/5: What current musicians do you think will stand the test of time?

10/6: Is it okay to refuse to serve same-sex couples based on religious beliefs?


10/9: Why do we like to watch rich people on TV and in the movies?

10/10: Should parents make their children clean their rooms?

10/11: Should birth control pills be available to teenage girls without a prescription?

10/12: Should women be allowed to fight on the front lines alongside men?

10/13: The mysterious object started floating in the air and...


10/16: It was a dark and stormy night when...

10/17: My friends and I were trick or treating and knocked on the door...

10/18: MEOW! The black cat was scared...

10/19: The white sheets with black eyes peering through the holes of the costume gave no clue as to who the kid was...

10/20: Running down the street with candy flying, I saw...


10/23: A yellow glow was coming from the jack-o-lantern, only...

10/24: Whirling winds on this cold October evening sent chills down my...

10/25: They claim the house was haunted, but it looked okay to me, so...

10/26: My friends and I like to go trick-or-treating on Halloween because...


10/30: I had the most fun on Halloween, when I...

10/31: It was a cold Halloween night when I saw the...

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